王昊 (2022-06-30 17:08):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2201.12086 BLIP: Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training for Unified Vision-Language Understanding and Generation. arXiv:2201.12086 [cs]. BLIP 是一个统一的视觉语言预训练(vision-language pre-training, VLP)框架,从有噪声的图像文本对中学习。 BLIP 通过自展标注(bootstrapping the captions),可以有效地利用带有噪声的 web 数据,其中标注器(captioner)生成标注,过滤器(filter)去除有噪声的标注。本模型属于开源的视觉语言模型中性能较好的(2022年6月),可以直接docker部署,应用于多个视觉语言下游任务。我们尝试了以后可以一定程度上实现zero-shot的功能。在VQA 2.0数据集上性能较好。思考下一步将其作为预训练模型,微调后应用于落地的其它下游任务。
BLIP: Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training for Unified Vision-Language Understanding and Generation
Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) has advanced the performance for many vision-language tasks. However, most existing pre-trained models only excel in either understanding-based tasks or generation-based tasks. Furthermore, performance improvement has been largely achieved by scaling up the dataset with noisy image-text pairs collected from the web, which is a suboptimal source of supervision. In this paper, we propose BLIP, a new VLP framework which transfers flexibly to both vision-language understanding and generation tasks. BLIP effectively utilizes the noisy web data by bootstrapping the captions, where a captioner generates synthetic captions and a filter removes the noisy ones. We achieve state-of-the-art results on a wide range of vision-language tasks, such as image-text retrieval (+2.7% in average recall@1), image captioning (+2.8% in CIDEr), and VQA (+1.6% in VQA score). BLIP also demonstrates strong generalization ability when directly transferred to video-language tasks in a zero-shot manner. Code, models, and datasets are released at this https URL.