颜林林 (2022-06-24 21:32):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41587-022-01294-2 Nature Biotechnology, 2022, The clinical progress of mRNA vaccines and immunotherapies. 这是一篇关于mRNA疫苗的长篇综述。使用mRNA作为载体开发疫苗的概念,始于1990年,它通过借用接种者身体内的蛋白质翻译机制来产生靶蛋白,而非直接注射(灭活或减活)病原体或靶蛋白本身。这种方式带来一系列优点,诸如设计简便、固有免疫原性、可快速量产等。当然,它也存在诸如稳定性差、疫苗在体内递送至目标位置困难等缺点或挑战。在新冠疫情爆发以来的这三年里,借着大量资金投入增加、紧急使用授权等机会,mRNA疫苗的研发及投产使用得到了极大加速。本文对这些发展,包括给药递送方法,针对传染病的疫苗研发、使用及优化,针对癌症治疗的疫苗方法,mRNA疫苗在蛋白质和细胞免疫治疗中的使用等,都做了比较详细的综述介绍,并据此讨论了当前存在的问题和未来研发方向。通篇读下来,能对mRNA疫苗及其技术路线形成比较深入的了解,也确实能体会到这是个潜力巨大、值得探索和继续研发的重要技术体系。
IF:33.100Q1 Nature biotechnology, 2022-06. DOI: 10.1038/s41587-022-01294-2 PMID: 35534554
The clinical progress of mRNA vaccines and immunotherapies
The emergency use authorizations (EUAs) of two mRNA-based severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-2 vaccines approximately 11 months after publication of the viral sequence highlights the transformative potential of this nucleic acid technology. Most clinical applications of mRNA to date have focused on vaccines for infectious disease and cancer for which low doses, low protein expression and local delivery can be effective because of the inherent immunostimulatory properties of some mRNA species and formulations. In addition, work on mRNA-encoded protein or cellular immunotherapies has also begun, for which minimal immune stimulation, high protein expression in target cells and tissues, and the need for repeated administration have led to additional manufacturing and formulation challenges for clinical translation. Building on this momentum, the past year has seen clinical progress with second-generation coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines, Omicron-specific boosters and vaccines against seasonal influenza, Epstein-Barr virus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and cancer. Here we review the clinical progress of mRNA therapy as well as provide an overview and future outlook of the transformative technology behind these mRNA-based drugs.