颜林林 (2022-06-15 06:27):
#paper doi:10.1186/s12859-022-04783-y BMC Bioinformatics, 2022, CancerNet: a unified deep learning network for pan-cancer diagnostics. 这篇文章建立了一个通用的深度神经网络模型,基于来自TCGA的33种癌症的甲基化数据,检测癌症及其起源组织。同样的任务在2022年已有相应工作,能够达到96%的总体准确率。本文则通过同时使用无监督与有监督的方法,让模型在输出34个分类结果(33个癌种+1个正常非癌)的同时,也额外生成一组重新构造的CpG岛甲基化信息,并将生成的此信息,与用于模型输入的CpG到甲基化信息进行比对,损失函数中同时纳入了该比对差异。通过这种方式,模型整体性能得到进一步提高,总体准确率达到99.6%。此外,本文也同时考察了年龄、转移等混杂因素对模型的影响,并为未来研究和开发模型的可解释性提供了基础。整个研究基于OSF(开放科学框架)进行,数据和源代码都完全开放,是一份不错的学习材料。
IF:2.900Q1 BMC bioinformatics, 2022-Jun-13. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-022-04783-y PMID: 35698059
CancerNet: a unified deep learning network for pan-cancer diagnostics
BACKGROUND: Despite remarkable advances in cancer research, cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Early detection of cancer and localization of the tissue of its origin are key to effective treatment. Here, we leverage technological advances in machine learning or artificial intelligence to design a novel framework for cancer diagnostics. Our proposed framework detects cancers and their tissues of origin using a unified model of cancers encompassing 33 cancers represented in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Our model exploits the learned features of different cancers reflected in the respective dysregulated epigenomes, which arise early in carcinogenesis and differ remarkably between different cancer types or subtypes, thus holding a great promise in early cancer detection.RESULTS: Our comprehensive assessment of the proposed model on the 33 different tissues of origin demonstrates its ability to detect and classify cancers to a high accuracy (> 99% overall F-measure). Furthermore, our model distinguishes cancers from pre-cancerous lesions to metastatic tumors and discriminates between hypomethylation changes due to age related epigenetic drift and true cancer.CONCLUSIONS: Beyond detection of primary cancers, our proposed computational model also robustly detects tissues of origin of secondary cancers, including metastatic cancers, second primary cancers, and cancers of unknown primaries. Our assessment revealed the ability of this model to characterize pre-cancer samples, a significant step forward in early cancer detection. Deployed broadly this model can deliver accurate diagnosis for a greatly expanded target patient population.