(2022-06-12 07:49):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41598-022-13336-5 Scientific Reports, 2022, Omics-based integrated analysis identified IKZF2 as a biomarker associated with lupus nephritis. 相信很多人知道系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)这个疾病,跟我一样都来自二十多年前的一部火遍大江南北的虐心小说《第一次亲密接触》。而这篇文章所研究的,正是SLE的重要并发症和主要致死因素狼疮性肾炎(LN)。本文收集并挖掘了肾脏组织的公共数据,包括LN患者的肾小管间质和肾小体组织,也包括肾移植捐献者的健康肾组织,由这些数据找到26个常见差异表达基因(co-DEGs)。在此基础上,将其中的 IKZF2 基因作为重点,通过功能富集、蛋白-蛋白相互作用网络、ceRNA网络构建、免疫浸润、风险评估等常用生信方法进行分析,从而确定了 IKZF2 基因在 LN 疾病方面的预测和评估价值。文章的方法本身没有多少亮点,属于常见的套路玩法,应该是所选择的临床问题,为其提供了一定创新性和研究价值。
Omics-based integrated analysis identified IKZF2 as a biomarker associated with lupus nephritis
Lupus nephritis (LN) is a crucial complication of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). IKZF2 was identified as a lupus susceptibility locus, while its exact molecular function in LN is unknown. We aimed to explore the relationship between IKZF2 and LN based on multi-omics data. In our study, we carried out a meta-analysis of publicly available data, including not only tubulointerstitium, but also glomerulus tissue samples from LN patients and controls. Based on the common differentially expressed genes (co-DEGs) and previous researches, we selected IKZF2 for further analysis. Then, we analyzed potential molecular mechanisms of co-DEGs and IKZF2 in LN. To explore the possible targets of IKZF2, protein-protein interaction network (PPI) network and ceRNA network of IKZF2 were also constructed. Moreover, we performed immune infiltration analysis and evaluated clinical value of IKZF2. A total of 26 co-DEGs were observed in the integration of the above DEGs coming from the four sets of data, of which IKZF2 was selected for further analysis. Functional enrichment analysis from IKZF2 and related PPI network confirmed the tight relationship between IKZF2 and the immune reaction. Moreover, immune filtration analysis revealed the significant correlation between IKZF2 and naïve B cell, NK cell activation, NK cell rest and other immune cells. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis showed that the areas under the ROC curves were 0.721, 0.80, 0.682, and 0.859 for IKZF2 in four datasets, which demonstrated the clinical value of IKZF2. Our study revealed that IKZF2 may play an essential role in the molecular function and development of LN, and might be a potential biomarker for distinguishing LN patients and healthy ones.