颜林林 (2022-06-05 06:41):
#paper doi:10.1186/s12864-022-08435-6 BMC Genomics, Frameshift and wild-type proteins are often highly similar because the genetic code and genomes were optimized for frameshift tolerance. 在基因组和分子演化的研究中,我们通常认为(非3整倍长度的)移码突变会造成蛋白功能的完全丧失,而关于密码子表的容错能力通常也局限在第三个碱基上。这篇文章从方法上看,是一项非常经典的纯生物信息学研究,它基于公共数据和序列分析方法,对移码突变的特性进行分析,发现并验证了移码突变后的蛋白,与突变前野生型的蛋白,在序列和氨基酸理化性质等各方面,是保留有一定相似性的。这种保留,与完全随机的突变相比,是存在显著差异的。从而证明了各物种的基因组序列,以及密码子表,在对移码突变的容错方面,是“经过优化”的。这为密码子表的演化形成提供了新的角度及思路。在拥有大量公开生物序列数据的今天,充分利用这些数据,基于少量简单合理的假设前提,辅以诸如序列分析这样的生信基础技术和相应的统计检验过程,来回答一些基础生物学问题,做得比较认真和扎实,我个人很喜欢这样的研究工作。
IF:3.500Q2 BMC genomics, 2022-Jun-02. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-022-08435-6 PMID: 35655139
Frameshift and wild-type proteins are often highly similar because the genetic code and genomes were optimized for frameshift tolerance
Frameshift mutations have been considered of significant importance for the molecular evolution of proteins and their coding genes, while frameshift protein sequences encoded in the alternative reading frames of coding genes have been considered to be meaningless. However, functional frameshifts have been found widely existing. It was puzzling how a frameshift protein kept its structure and functionality while substantial changes occurred in its primary amino-acid sequence. This study shows that the similarities among frameshifts and wild types are higher than random similarities and are determined at different levels. Frameshift substitutions are more conservative than random substitutions in the standard genetic code (SGC). The frameshift substitutions score of SGC ranks in the top 2.0-3.5% of alternative genetic codes, showing that SGC is nearly optimal for frameshift tolerance. In many genes and certain genomes, frameshift-resistant codons and codon pairs appear more frequently than expected, suggesting that frameshift tolerance is achieved through not only the optimality of the genetic code but, more importantly, the further optimization of a specific gene or genome through the usages of codons/codon pairs, which sheds light on the role of frameshift mutations in molecular and genomic evolution.