颜林林 (2022-06-04 07:46):
#paper doi:10.3322/caac.21727 CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 2022, Oncologic emergencies and urgencies: A comprehensive review. 这是一篇关于肿瘤急诊的综述。虽然这些年来,得益于肿瘤诊治相关研究的快速进步,肿瘤整体上越来越趋近于慢性病,但其死亡率和危害仍然位居前列。急诊诊断肿瘤往往属晚期,占所有新发肿瘤的11%至29%,且预后都较差。本文对这类紧急情况,包括其潜在病因和临床处置路径等,进行了全面的综述。包括肿瘤发展过程中常见的发热性中性粒细胞减少症、高钙血症、肿瘤溶解综合征、恶性脊髓压迫、机械性肠梗阻和突发性疼痛等症状,也包括其他特定癌种伴发的抗利尿激素分泌不当综合征、静脉血栓栓塞和恶性积液等。此外,对于因为肿瘤治疗,包括小分子靶向药物、免疫检查点抑制剂、CAR-T治疗等导致的不良反应和紧急并发症,也都做了详细介绍。记得在一次学术交流中,有临床医生提及其自己的经验,那些免疫治疗过程中出现不良反应的患者,如果能及时处理和控制好并发症,经常其对药物的响应和疗效是更明显。因此,了解肿瘤急诊各类情况及其处置,对于探明肿瘤危害及病因,以及发展完善各类诊治方法,都是有重要意义的。
Oncologic emergencies and urgencies: A comprehensive review
Patients with advanced cancer generate 4 million visits annually to emergency departments (EDs) and other dedicated, high-acuity oncology urgent care centers. Because of both the increasing complexity of systemic treatments overall and the higher rates of active therapy in the geriatric population, many patients experiencing acute decompensations are frail and acutely ill. This article comprehensively reviews the spectrum of oncologic emergencies and urgencies typically encountered in acute care settings. Presentation, underlying etiology, and up-to-date clinical pathways are discussed. Criteria for either a safe discharge to home or a transition of care to the inpatient oncology hospitalist team are emphasized. This review extends beyond familiar conditions such as febrile neutropenia, hypercalcemia, tumor lysis syndrome, malignant spinal cord compression, mechanical bowel obstruction, and breakthrough pain crises to include a broader spectrum of topics encompassing the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, venous thromboembolism and malignant effusions, as well as chemotherapy-induced mucositis, cardiomyopathy, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Emergent and urgent complications associated with targeted therapeutics, including small molecules, naked and drug-conjugated monoclonal antibodies, as well as immune checkpoint inhibitors and chimeric antigen receptor T-cells, are summarized. Finally, strategies for facilitating same-day direct admission to hospice from the ED are discussed. This article not only can serve as a point-of-care reference for the ED physician but also can assist outpatient oncologists as well as inpatient hospitalists in coordinating care around the ED visit.