Ricardo (2022-06-01 00:51):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118799. Longitudinal brain atlases of early developing cynomolgus macaques from birth to 48 months of age. 2022年发表于neuroimage。这篇研究和《A 4D infant brain volumetric atlas based on the UNC/UMN baby connectome project (BCP) cohort》这篇研究差不多,用的方法基本上是一样的。只不过研究对象换成了48月龄以前的食蟹猴。这里面强调了一个问题,就是在做纵向配准的时候,不能直接将年龄跨度差异较大的两个大脑直接进行配准,应当一步一步地在相邻年龄上的图像进行配准,这样能够最大程度的保证解剖结构在整个发育轨迹上的一致性。
IF:4.700Q1 NeuroImage, 2022-02-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118799 PMID: 34896583
Longitudinal brain atlases of early developing cynomolgus macaques from birth to 48 months of age
Longitudinal brain imaging atlases with densely sampled time-points and ancillary anatomical information are of fundamental importance in studying early developmental characteristics of human and non-human primate brains during infancy, which feature extremely dynamic imaging appearance, brain shape and size. However, for non-human primates, which are highly valuable animal models for understanding human brains, the existing brain atlases are mainly developed based on adults or adolescents, denoting a notable lack of temporally densely-sampled atlases covering the dynamic early brain development. To fill this critical gap, in this paper, we construct a comprehensive set of longitudinal brain atlases and associated tissue probability maps (gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid) with totally 12 time-points from birth to 4 years of age (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48 months of age) based on 175 longitudinal structural MRI scans from 39 typically-developing cynomolgus macaques, by leveraging state-of-the-art computational techniques tailored for early developing brains. Furthermore, to facilitate region-based analysis using our atlases, we also provide two popular hierarchy parcellations, i.e., cortical hierarchy maps (6 levels) and subcortical hierarchy maps (6 levels), on our longitudinal macaque brain atlases. These early developing atlases, which have the densest time-points during infancy (to the best of our knowledge), will greatly facilitate the studies of macaque brain development.