masion (2022-04-30 23:26):
#paper, Environment International 151 (2021) 。本文在全球范围内调查了38个涵盖来自淡水、海水和土壤不同栖息地生态系统中的3178个样本细菌和原生生物序列数据对,绘制了地球跨生态系统的微生物群落分布图。结果表明,原生生物和细菌的群落特征在栖息地之间和栖息地内具有强烈的相关性,而营养微生物群落结构在栖息地之间存在根本性差异。土壤中的微生物群最为异质和多样。原生生物群落主要由土壤中的捕食者和水生环境中的光养生物组成。这导致原生生物总数与细菌丰富度之比的变化,在海洋中最高,而捕食性原生生物与细菌之比在土壤中最高。海洋生境中捕食性原生生物的分类单元丰富度和相对丰富度与细菌丰富度呈正相关。这些联系在土壤中有所不同,在森林和草原土壤中,捕食性原生生物的丰富度和相对丰富度与细菌丰富度呈正相关,而在农业土壤中则没有。我们的结果表明,人为压力对较高营养水平的影响大于对较低营养水平的影响,从而导致微生物群中的营养结构解耦。这些结果表明,人为因素可能会对微生物群落的营养结构产生负面影响,特别是对高营养水平的影响,因此,人工生态系统中生态系统功能降低可能部分归因于营养复杂性的降低。
A global overview of the trophic structure within microbiomes across ecosystems
The colossal project of mapping the microbiome on Earth is rapidly advancing, with a focus on individual microbial groups. However, a global assessment of the associations between predatory protists and their bacterial prey is still missing at a cross-ecosystem level. This knowledge is critical to better understand the importance of top-down links in structuring microbiomes. Here, we examined 38 sequence-based datasets of paired bacterial and protistan taxa, covering 3,178 samples from diverse habitats including freshwater, marine and soils. We show that community profiles of protists and bacteria strongly correlated across and within habitats, with trophic microbiome structures fundamentally differing across habitats. Soils hosted the most heterogenous and diverse microbiomes. Protist communities were dominated by predators in soils and phototrophs in aquatic environments. This led to changes in the ratio of total protists to bacteria richness, which was highest in marine, while that of predatory protists to bacteria was highest in soils. Taxon richness and relative abundance of predatory protists positively correlated with bacterial richness in marine habitats. These links differed between soils, predatory protist richness and the relative abundance of predatory protists positively correlated with bacterial richness in forest and grassland soils, but not in agricultural soils. Our results suggested that anthropogenic pressure affects higher trophic levels more than lower ones leading to a decoupled trophic structure in microbiomes. Together, our cumulative overview of microbiome patterns of bacteria and protists at the global scale revealed major patterns and differences of the trophic structure of microbiomes across Earth's habitats, and show that anthropogenic factors might have negative effects on the trophic structure within microbiomes. Furthermore, the increased impact of anthropogenic factors on especially higher trophic levels suggests that often-observed reduced ecosystem functions in anthropogenic systems might be partly attributed to a reduction of trophic complexity.