颜林林 (2025-02-24 21:06):
#paper doi:10.1038/s41588-024-02050-9, Nature Genetics, 2025, Cell state-dependent allelic effects and contextual Mendelian randomization analysis for human brain phenotypes. 这篇是今年1月份新发表在Nature Genetics的文章,对391例人脑(208患者 vs. 183对照,死后的组织样本)进行snRNA-seq(单核测序)和SNP芯片检测,单核测序能够分析得到不同细胞类型的每个基因的表达量,于是可以鉴别出特定细胞的eQTL,即只在某个细胞类型中才会对基因表达量产生影响的那些突变。这个研究逻辑(鉴别特定细胞的eQTL),在此之前已经有不止一篇文章做过了。本文的重要创新点在于,构建了三个模型(M0、M1、M2),分别表示用临床信息协变量、协变量+基因型、协变量+基因型x疾病来预测表达量,接着,M1 对 M0,M2 对 M1 分别做似然比检验(likelihood ratio test),可以筛选出那些仅影响基因表达量但不直接影响疾病表型的突变,这正好用于后续的孟德尔随机化分析,从而在基因(表达量)与表型之间建立起因果关系(而不仅仅是相关关系)。之后文章还使用大规模的蛋白组数据,在蛋白水平进行了相应验证。
Cell state-dependent allelic effects and contextual Mendelian randomization analysis for human brain phenotypes
Abstract Gene expression quantitative trait loci are widely used to infer relationships between genes and central nervous system (CNS) phenotypes; however, the effect of brain disease on these inferences is unclear. Using 2,348,438 single-nuclei profiles from 391 disease-case and control brains, we report 13,939 genes whose expression correlated with genetic variation, of which 16.7–40.8% (depending on cell type) showed disease-dependent allelic effects. Across 501 colocalizations for 30 CNS traits, 23.6% had a disease dependency, even after adjusting for disease status. To estimate the unconfounded effect of genes on outcomes, we repeated the analysis using nondiseased brains (n = 183) and reported an additional 91 colocalizations not present in the larger mixed disease and control dataset, demonstrating enhanced interpretation of disease-associated variants. Principled implementation of single-cell Mendelian randomization in control-only brains identified 140 putatively causal gene–trait associations, of which 11 were replicated in the UK Biobank, prioritizing candidate peripheral biomarkers predictive of CNS outcomes.