(2025-01-31 23:53):
#paper, https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2312.01156, Efficient Light Source Placement using Quantum Computing, 这是一个有趣的小问题, 如何利用量子计算解决《我的世界》游戏中的火把放置问题,将形式转化为二次无约束二进制优化(QUBO)问题,通过迭代学习拉格朗日乘子来处理约束条件。实验说明该方法能在合理迭代次数内找到有效的火把放置方案,虽然当前量子硬件存在局限性,经典方法在较大地图上表现更优一些。火把放置问题与集合覆盖问题相联系,展示量子计算在资源优化问题中的价值。
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2312.01156
Efficient Light Source Placement using Quantum Computing
NP-hard problems regularly come up in video games, with interestingconnections to real-world problems. In the game Minecraft, players placetorches on the ground to light up dark areas. Placing them in a way thatminimizes the total number of torches to save resources is far from trivial. Inthis paper, we use Quantum Computing to approach this problem. To this end, wederive a QUBO formulation of the torch placement problem, which we uncover tobe very similar to another NP-hard problem. We employ a solution strategy thatinvolves learning Lagrangian weights in an iterative process, adding to theever growing toolbox of QUBO formulations. Finally, we perform experiments onreal quantum hardware using real game data to demonstrate that our approachyields good torch placements.
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