惊鸿 (2024-12-02 21:14):
#paper Topological semimetals with intrinsic chirality as spin-controlling electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction. Published: 25 November 2024 [https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-024-01674-9](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-024-01674-9) 这篇文章是由德国马克斯·普朗克固体研究所(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research)的科学家们主导的研究工作。研究团队报告了一系列具有内在手性的拓扑半金属,这些材料能够有效地进行水分解。特别是,基于Rh的拓扑单晶(RhSi、RhSn和RhBiS)展现了手性、大的自旋-轨道耦合(SOC)和良好的导电性这三个关键特性。这些Rh基手性晶体作为OER催化剂在碱性电解质中展现出比RuO2显著增强的OER活性。实验和量子输运计算表明,Rh基手性晶体的OER活性与SOC和自旋极化成正比。其中,具有最大SOC的RhBiS即使在100 mA cm–2的电流密度下也展现出266 mV的过电位,性能超过了具有相当大表面积的最先进的纳米结构催化剂。该研究为设计高性能的内在手性OER催化剂提供了实验证据,证实了自旋放大OER与SOC之间的密切关系。
Topological semimetals with intrinsic chirality as spin-controlling electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction
AbstractElectrocatalytic water splitting is a promising approach for clean hydrogen production, but the process is hindered by the sluggish kinetics of the anodic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) owing to the spin-dependent electron transfer process. Efforts to control spin through chirality and magnetization have shown potential in enhancing OER performance. Here we harnessed the potential of topological chiral semimetals (RhSi, RhSn and RhBiS) and their spin-polarized Fermi surfaces to promote the spin-dependent electron transfer in the OER, addressing the traditional volcano-plot limitations. We show that OER activities follow the trend RhSi < RhSn < RhBiS, corresponding to the increasing extent of spin–orbit coupling (SOC). The chiral single crystals outperform achiral counterparts (RhTe2, RhTe and RuO2) in alkaline electrolyte, with RhBiS exhibiting a specific activity two orders of magnitude higher than RuO2. Our work reveals the pivotal roles of chirality and SOC in spin-dependent catalysis, facilitating the design of ultra-efficient chiral catalysts.