Ricardo (2022-04-01 00:05):
#paper https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117161 NeuroImage, 2020 Cortical surface registration using unsupervised learning 由于我们经常需要在不同被试间或者同一个被试的不同时间点的脑图像上建立空间映射关系,因此非线性配准是脑影像分析中非常重要的一步。这几年时间里,大家开始使用深度学习开发新的脑图像配准算法,但是大都关注于基于volume空间下的配准算法的研究,鲜少有研究关注于脑皮层的点云空间下的配准。这篇文章通过将卷积操作拓展到极坐标空间下,实现了在球面空间上的卷积操作,从而开发了针对于脑皮层的配准算法。
IF:4.700Q1 NeuroImage, 2020-11-01. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117161 PMID: 32702486 PMCID:PMC7784120
Cortical surface registration using unsupervised learning
Non-rigid cortical registration is an important and challenging task due to the geometric complexity of the human cortex and the high degree of inter-subject variability. A conventional solution is to use a spherical representation of surface properties and perform registration by aligning cortical folding patterns in that space. This strategy produces accurate spatial alignment, but often requires high computational cost. Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have demonstrated the potential to dramatically speed up volumetric registration. However, due to distortions introduced by projecting a sphere to a 2D plane, a direct application of recent learning-based methods to surfaces yields poor results. In this study, we present SphereMorph, a diffeomorphic registration framework for cortical surfaces using deep networks that addresses these issues. SphereMorph uses a UNet-style network associated with a spherical kernel to learn the displacement field and warps the sphere using a modified spatial transformer layer. We propose a resampling weight in computing the data fitting loss to account for distortions introduced by polar projection, and demonstrate the performance of our proposed method on two tasks, including cortical parcellation and group-wise functional area alignment. The experiments show that the proposed SphereMorph is capable of modeling the geometric registration problem in a CNN framework and demonstrate superior registration accuracy and computational efficiency. The source code of SphereMorph will be released to the public upon acceptance of this manuscript at https://github.com/voxelmorph/spheremorph.