cellsarts (2022-03-31 14:25):
#paper  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2021.03.019  title:Computational  prediction of secreted  proteins in  gram-negative bacteria abstract:Gram-negative bacteria harness multiple protein secretion systems and secrete a large proportion of the proteome. Proteins can be exported to periplasmic space, integrated into membrane, transported into extracellular milieu, or translocated into cytoplasm of contacting cells. It is important for accurate, genome-wide annotation of the secreted proteins and their secretion pathways. In this review, we systematically classified the secreted proteins according to the types of secretion systems in Gram- negative bacteria, summarized the known features of these proteins, and reviewed the algorithms and tools for their prediction. 题目:革兰氏阴性菌分泌蛋白的预测 摘要:革兰氏阴性菌控制多种蛋白质分泌系统,并分泌大量的蛋白质。蛋白质可以被输出到胞外周质空间,整合到细胞膜,运输到细胞外环境,或转运到接触细胞的细胞质中。其分泌蛋白的准确预测和分类对于细菌基因组的解读和细菌毒力、耐药等重要生物表型的分子机制研究都具有重要意义。全基因组注释的分泌蛋白质及其分泌途径非常的重要。本文根据革兰氏阴性菌分泌系统的类型,对革兰氏阴性菌分泌蛋白进行了系统分类,总结了这些蛋白的已知特征,并对其预测算法和工具进行了综述。在这篇综述中,总结了革兰氏阴性菌的蛋白质分泌系统和预测这些分泌蛋白的生物信息学工具。首先,计算科学家和实验生物学家之间经常存在差距。尽管开发人员证明了软件工具的高准确性,但基于非同源的效应预测器(特别是T3SEs、T4SEs和T6SEs)还很少被湿实验室研究者成功地应用于识别新的效应器。更多的热情被投入到新的算法而不是生物方面,例如新功能。大多数效应预测工具都是通用的,没有考虑特定的生物先验信息,如物种、分泌系统亚型和调节管道特异性。
Computational prediction of secreted proteins in gram-negative bacteria
Gram-negative bacteria harness multiple protein secretion systems and secrete a large proportion of the proteome. Proteins can be exported to periplasmic space, integrated into membrane, transported into extracellular milieu, or translocated into cytoplasm of contacting cells. It is important for accurate, genome-wide annotation of the secreted proteins and their secretion pathways. In this review, we systematically classified the secreted proteins according to the types of secretion systems in Gram-negative bacteria, summarized the known features of these proteins, and reviewed the algorithms and tools for their prediction.