思考问题的熊 (2022-02-27 22:55):
#paper 深夜文献安利 简要解读 https://kaopubear.top/blog/2022-02-27-do-clinical-decisions/ 通过阅读这篇文献,你一方面可以了解目前的生物标志物物相关高频基因和高频突变位点(有附件可下载),另一方面可以了解临床决策的基本逻辑和重要数据库,最后还能获得一个即刻可用的在线突变注释工具MTPB Tamborero, D., Dienstmann, R., Rachid, M.H. et al. The Molecular Tumor Board Portal supports clinical decisions and automated reporting for precision oncology. Nat Cancer 3, 251–261 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43018-022-00332-x
IF:23.500Q1 Nature cancer, 2022-02. DOI: 10.1038/s43018-022-00332-x PMID: 35221333
The Molecular Tumor Board Portal supports clinical decisions and automated reporting for precision oncology
There is a growing need for systems that efficiently support the work of medical teams at the precision-oncology point of care. Here, we present the implementation of the Molecular Tumor Board Portal (MTBP), an academic clinical decision support system developed under the umbrella of Cancer Core Europe that creates a unified legal, scientific and technological platform to share and harness next-generation sequencing data. Automating the interpretation and reporting of sequencing results decrease the need for time-consuming manual procedures that are prone to errors. The adoption of an expert-agreed process to systematically link tumor molecular profiles with clinical actions promotes consistent decision-making and structured data capture across the connected centers. The use of information-rich patient reports with interactive content facilitates collaborative discussion of complex cases during virtual molecular tumor board meetings. Overall, streamlined digital systems like the MTBP are crucial to better address the challenges brought by precision oncology and accelerate the use of emerging biomarkers.