Ricardo (2022-01-31 21:02):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3479-08.2008 A Structural MRI Study of Human Brain Development from Birth to 2 Years. 读一篇08年发表在The Journal of Neuroscience上的一篇关于婴幼儿脑结构发育的文章。之前介绍过几篇婴幼儿大脑发育相关的文章,也提到了在出生后的两年时间里,婴幼儿大脑处于快速的动态发育过程,并且这一时期的发育在一些神经发育疾病中(自闭症或精神分裂症)有着重要的影响。这个工作采集了包括98名健康被试从出生到2岁时期的脑结构磁共振影像,并使用北卡罗来纳大学开发的自动分割方法划分脑组织,并测定了侧脑室、尾状核和海马的体积。 分析结果表明: 1. 出生后的第一年全脑容量增加了101%;第二年增加了15%。灰质体积的增长占据了全脑体积增长量的主要部分,在第一年增长了149%,而白质体积仅增加了11%; 2. 小脑容量在第一年增加了240%,侧脑室体积在第一年则增加了280%,在第二年略有下降; 3. 从1岁到2碎,尾状核增长了19%,海马增长了13%。 人类大脑在出生后的两年快速发育,这主要是受到灰质生长的驱动(也就是大脑皮层的增长非常快速)。相比之下,白质的增长要慢得多。
A structural MRI study of human brain development from birth to 2 years
Brain development in the first 2 years after birth is extremely dynamic and likely plays an important role in neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism and schizophrenia. Knowledge regarding this period is currently quite limited. We studied structural brain development in healthy subjects from birth to 2. Ninety-eight children received structural MRI scans on a Siemens head-only 3T scanner with magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo T1-weighted, and turbo spin echo, dual-echo (proton density and T2 weighted) sequences: 84 children at 2-4 weeks, 35 at 1 year and 26 at 2 years of age. Tissue segmentation was accomplished using a novel automated approach. Lateral ventricle, caudate, and hippocampal volumes were also determined. Total brain volume increased 101% in the first year, with a 15% increase in the second. The majority of hemispheric growth was accounted for by gray matter, which increased 149% in the first year; hemispheric white matter volume increased by only 11%. Cerebellum volume increased 240% in the first year. Lateral ventricle volume increased 280% in the first year, with a small decrease in the second. The caudate increased 19% and the hippocampus 13% from age 1 to age 2. There was robust growth of the human brain in the first two years of life, driven mainly by gray matter growth. In contrast, white matter growth was much slower. Cerebellum volume also increased substantially in the first year of life. These results suggest the structural underpinnings of cognitive and motor development in early childhood, as well as the potential pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders.