白鸟 (2024-06-30 23:11):
#paper http://doi.org/10.1126/science.abg4696,Developmental and evolutionary dynamics ofcis-regulatory elements in mouse cerebellar cells, science, 2021. 文章系统的揭示了小鼠小脑中细胞从早期神经发生到成年发育的顺式调控元件调控机制。该文章提供了scATAC数据和代码,很清晰地分析思路,很值得初学者学习和借鉴。
Developmental and evolutionary dynamics of cis-regulatory elements in mouse cerebellar cells
Organ development is orchestrated by cell- and time-specific gene regulatory networks. In this study, we investigated the regulatory basis of mouse cerebellum development from early neurogenesis to adulthood. By acquiring snATAC-seq (single-nucleus assay for transposase accessible chromatin using sequencing) profiles for ~90,000 cells spanning 11 stages, we mapped cerebellar cell types and identified candidate cisregulatory elements (CREs). We detected extensive spatiotemporal heterogeneity among progenitor cells and a gradual divergence in the regulatory programs of cerebellar neurons during differentiation. Comparisons to vertebrate genomes and snATAC-seq profiles for ∼20,000 cerebellar cells from the marsupial opossum revealed a shared decrease in CRE conservation during development and differentiation as well as differences in constraint between cell types. Our work delineates the developmental and evolutionary dynamics of gene regulation in cerebellar cells and provides insights into mammalian organ development.