颜林林 (2024-01-30 09:58):
#paper doi:10.1101/2023.12.20.570816. bioRxiv, 2024, Neoantigen Cancer Vaccines and Different Immune Checkpoint Therapies Each Utilize Both Converging and Distinct Mechanisms that in Combination Enable Synergistic Therapeutic Efficacy. 本文使用甲基胆蒽烷(Methylcholanthrene,简称MCA,一种化学致癌物)诱导基因工程小鼠,构造了肉瘤动物模型,并以此作为研究体系,比较了新抗原疫苗和抗CTLA-4/抗PD-1的疗效。两种疗法都能促进肿瘤内特定CD8 T细胞的扩张,而新抗原疫苗的效应更为显著。文章通过单细胞转录组测序和单细胞免疫组库测序,分析了不同疗法导致了免疫微环境变化,揭示了这些细胞克隆型扩张与特定免疫治疗相关的表型和功能状态。新抗原疫苗与ICT联合使用显示出比单独使用任一治疗更高的疗效,为联合使用肿瘤免疫和免疫检查点治疗方法提供了证据支持。
Neoantigen Cancer Vaccines and Different Immune Checkpoint Therapies Each Utilize Both Converging and Distinct Mechanisms that in Combination Enable Synergistic Therapeutic Efficacy
The goal of therapeutic cancer vaccines and immune checkpoint therapy (ICT) is to eliminate cancer by expanding and/or sustaining T cells with anti-tumor capabilities. However, whether cancer vaccines and ICT enhance anti-tumor immunity by distinct or overlapping mechanisms remains unclear. Here, we compared effective therapeutic tumor-specific mutant neoantigen (NeoAg) cancer vaccines with anti-CTLA-4 and/or anti-PD-1 ICT in preclinical models. Both NeoAg vaccines and ICT induce expansion of intratumoral NeoAg-specific CD8 T cells, though the degree of expansion and acquisition of effector activity was much more substantial following NeoAg vaccination. Further, we found that NeoAg vaccines are particularly adept at inducing proliferating and stem-like NeoAg-specific CD8 T cells. Single cell T cell receptor (TCR) sequencing revealed that TCR clonotype expansion and diversity of NeoAg-specific CD8 T cells relates to their phenotype and functional state associated with specific immunotherapies employed. Effective NeoAg vaccines and ICT required both CD8 and CD4 T cells. While NeoAg vaccines and anti-PD-1 affected the CD4 T cell compartment, it was to less of an extent than observed with anti-CTLA-4, which notably induced ICOSBhlhe40 Th1-like CD4 T cells and, when combined with anti-PD-1, a small subset of Th2-like CD4 T cells. Although effective NeoAg vaccines or ICT expanded intratumoral M1-like iNOS macrophages, NeoAg vaccines expanded rather than suppressed (as observed with ICT) M2-like CX3CR1CD206 macrophages, associated with the vaccine adjuvant. Further, combining NeoAg vaccination with ICT induced superior efficacy compared to either therapy in isolation, highlighting the utility of combining these modalities to eliminate cancer.