惊鸿 (2023-12-30 08:42):
#paper The quantum house of cards 10.1073/pnas.2313269120 Pub Date  : 2023-12-26 量子计算机已被提议解决许多重要问题,例如发现新药、肥料生产的新催化剂、破解加密协议、优化金融投资组合或实施新的人工智能应用。然而,迄今为止,诸如 3 乘以 5 之类的简单任务超出了现有的量子硬件的能力。本文探讨了量子计算机兑现其承诺需要解决的困难。我讨论了构建量子计算机的整个技术堆栈,从顶层(实际算法和相关应用程序)到最底层(量子硬件、其控制电子设备、低温等),而不是忘记了量子纠错的关键中间层。
The quantum house of cards
Quantum computers have been proposed to solve a number of important problems such as discovering new drugs, new catalysts for fertilizer production, breaking encryption protocols, optimizing financial portfolios, or implementing new artificial intelligence applications. Yet, to date, a simple task such as multiplying 3 by 5 is beyond existing quantum hardware. This article examines the difficulties that would need to be solved for quantum computers to live up to their promises. I discuss the whole stack of technologies that has been envisioned to build a quantum computer from the top layers (the actual algorithms and associated applications) down to the very bottom ones (the quantum hardware, its control electronics, cryogeny, etc.) while not forgetting the crucial intermediate layer of quantum error correction.