庞庞 (2023-11-30 19:59):
#paper doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.01.074 Reproducibility of functional brain alterations in major depressive disorder: Evidence from a multisite resting-state functional MRI study with 1,434 individuals 静息态功能磁共振成像研究表明,重度抑郁症患者的脑功能存在广泛的改变。 然而,由于大样本、多站点数据集的稀缺,关于 MDD 相关改变的可重复模式的清晰一致的结论仍然有限。 研究者过五个中心的 1434 名参与者(709 名 MDD 患者和 725 名健康对照)的大型 R-fMRI 数据集来解决这个问题。 我们观察到,与对照组相比,重度抑郁症患者的眶额皮层、感觉运动皮层和视觉皮层显著减退,额顶皮层显著过度活跃。 这些改变不受不同统计分析策略、全局信号回归和药物状态的影响,并且通常可以在各个中心重现。 然而,这些组间差异部分受到患者发病状态和发病年龄的影响,并且脑-临床变量关系表现出较差的跨中心再现性
IF:4.700Q1 NeuroImage, 2019-04-01. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.01.074 PMID: 30716456
Reproducibility of functional brain alterations in major depressive disorder: Evidence from a multisite resting-state functional MRI study with 1,434 individuals
Resting-state functional MRI (R-fMRI) studies have demonstrated widespread alterations in brain function in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). However, a clear and consistent conclusion regarding a repeatable pattern of MDD-relevant alterations is still limited due to the scarcity of large-sample, multisite datasets. Here, we address this issue by including a large R-fMRI dataset with 1434 participants (709 patients with MDD and 725 healthy controls) from five centers in China. Individual functional activity maps that represent very local to long-range connections are computed using the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations, regional homogeneity and distance-related functional connectivity strength. The reproducibility analyses involve different statistical strategies, global signal regression, across-center consistency, clinical variables, and sample size. We observed significant hypoactivity in the orbitofrontal, sensorimotor, and visual cortices and hyperactivity in the frontoparietal cortices in MDD patients compared to the controls. These alterations are not affected by different statistical analysis strategies, global signal regression and medication status and are generally reproducible across centers. However, these between-group differences are partially influenced by the episode status and the age of disease onset in patients, and the brain-clinical variable relationship exhibits poor cross-center reproducibility. Bootstrap analyses reveal that at least 400 subjects in each group are required to replicate significant alterations (an extent threshold of P < .05 and a height threshold of P < .001) at 50% reproducibility. Together, these results highlight reproducible patterns of functional alterations in MDD and relevant influencing factors, which provides crucial guidance for future neuroimaging studies of this disorder.