Vincent (2023-11-30 16:34):
#paper Contrastive Variational Autoencoder Enhances Salient Features, arxiv, 2019 最近的对比PCA采用了对比学习的思路,能够捕捉目标数据集与背景之间的差异,从而实现保留对比信号的无监督降维。然而对比PCA跟PCA类似,只能对变量做线性组合进行降维,无法捕捉变量间的非线性关系。这篇文章对对比PCA做了拓展,使用变分自编码模型(VAE)来实现对非线性关系的捕捉,该方法称为对比VAE。对比VAE通过对数据集间的共享特征以及富集在目标数据中的特征进行显式建模,从而分离和增强目标数据中的突出潜在特征。该方法的运算时间与VAE类似,并且对噪音和数据纯度有较高的鲁棒性。文章在多个数据集上(例如手写数字MNIST)验证了该方法在捕捉突出潜在特征方面的有效性,比起传统的VAE也有持续提高。同时其作为一种生成式学习工具,训练好以后也能够用这些显著潜在特征来生成新的数据。
Contrastive Variational Autoencoder Enhances Salient Features
Variational autoencoders are powerful algorithms for identifying dominantlatent structure in a single dataset. In many applications, however, we areinterested in modeling latent structure and variation that are enriched in atarget dataset compared to some background---e.g. enriched in patients comparedto the general population. Contrastive learning is a principled framework tocapture such enriched variation between the target and background, butstate-of-the-art contrastive methods are limited to linear models. In thispaper, we introduce the contrastive variational autoencoder (cVAE), whichcombines the benefits of contrastive learning with the power of deep generativemodels. The cVAE is designed to identify and enhance salient latent features.The cVAE is trained on two related but unpaired datasets, one of which hasminimal contribution from the salient latent features. The cVAE explicitlymodels latent features that are shared between the datasets, as well as thosethat are enriched in one dataset relative to the other, which allows thealgorithm to isolate and enhance the salient latent features. The algorithm isstraightforward to implement, has a similar run-time to the standard VAE, andis robust to noise and dataset purity. We conduct experiments across diversetypes of data, including gene expression and facial images, showing that thecVAE effectively uncovers latent structure that is salient in a particularanalysis.